Tips for Getting Started
With so many choices, where do I start? How can I make this process a little easier?
We suggest taking a walk or drive through a cemetery, looking at the different styles to see what appeals to you. Paying attention to the size, color, finish, lettering and design details that you like. You could jot down notes to help recall specific things you were drawn to.
Some people have found it helpful to use a tape measure on the Memorials so they are able to get an idea about sizing as well.
You could take a photo for reference.
Since we design each monument to your specific requirements we are able to make adjustments to any aspects of a design that you wish to change-
Examples: substituting a different flower, style of cross, type of lettering, etc..
If the monument you are purchasing is for someone else; a loved one, friend or relative it may help to start by talking things over with some of the person’s closest relatives, and/or friends that knew that person best.
Asking questions like:
1-What were his/her likes and dislikes?
2-What were their hobbies?
3-Did she/he have a favorite flower?
4-What religious preferences did they have?
5-Would a cross, praying hands, or certain statue have special meaning to him/her?
6-Did this person have a favorite animal/pet?
7-Did he/she have a special saying or phrase?
8-Is there another family Memorial they liked?
Please keep in mind that the size of monument selected does affect the number of components.
Additional helpful information:
-What cemetery will this Memorial be placed in?
-Do you know where in the cemetery that the plot is located?
-What direction does the stone face? -Names and dates-
-Look at the row for the plot–
-Does the Man’s name appear first on the monument or does the Woman’s?
EXAMPLE: John Doe Jane Doe
Born——- Born——-
We are happy to do our best to assist you with obtaining any information you are uncertain about.